Audio Anywhere

ADC, November 2020

Benedict R. Gaster / @cuberoo_
my pronouns are he/him/they or xe/xim/xir


Material related to this talk

quick demo

Audio Anywhere

An experimental system for real-time audio built with WebAssembly

(But not for the Web)

What is WebAssembly?

[] == ![];

NaN === NaN; // false

x = 100;

while(true) {
  if (x == 999) {
    x = "OMG";
  x = x + 1;


In 2011, Alon Zakai asked the question

What if you could compile code for the Browser?


" a source-to-source compiler that runs as a back end to the LLVM compiler and produces a subset of JavaScript known as asm.js. This allows applications and libraries originally designed to run as standard executables to be integrated into client side web applications"


But why stop there?


"WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications."

W3C Working Group

A Simple Module in WebAssembly Text Format
 (import "math" "callback" (func $callback))

 (export "add" (func $add))
 (export "subtract" (func $substract))

 (func $add (param $a i32) (param $b i32) (result i32)
  local.get $a
  local.get $b

 (func $subtract (param $a i32) (param $b i32) (result i32)
  local.get $a
  local.get $b

Wasm is not limited to the Browser

A number of projects can run Wasm natively

"WASI is a modular system interface for WebAssembly. As described in the initial announcement, it’s focused on security and portability"

W3C Working Group


Wasm could imply, compile once run anywhere

WebAssembly and the Elusive Universal Binary

Alon Zakai, 2020

Things would be different one day. But you had to start small, like oak trees.

Tiffany Aching

traditional vs WASM

AA Module


Hosting App Loads Bundle

	"wasm": [String],
	"gui": String,
	"info": {
		"inputs": int, 
		"outputs": int, 
Single hosting app for each supported platform

AA Bundle

  • URLs: module.wasm(s), each one implements the AA Wasm API for nodes in audio graph;
  • URL: gui.html, implementing the Javascript API for UI plugins; and
  • Set of configuration parameters, which are defined as part of the module bundle itself and describe its capabilities, parameter mappings, and initialization constants

Audio Anywhere Wasm API

A C Interface

AA Wasm API (1)

// initialize module 
pub fn init(sample_rate: f64) -> u64 // returns handle to module

// module meta data 
pub fn get_sample_rate(module: u64) -> f64 
pub fn get_inputs(module: u64) -> u32 
pub fn get_outputs(module: u64) -> u32 
pub fn get_voices(module: u64) -> i32

AA Wasm API (2)

// parameters
pub fn get_param_index(module: u64, length: i32) -> i32 
pub fn get_num_params_float(module: u64) -> u32 
pub fn set_param_float(module: u64, index: u32, v: f32) 
pub fn get_param_float(module: u64, index: u32) -> f32

// MIDI 
pub fn handle_note_on(module: u64, mn: i32, vel: f32) 
pub fn handle_note_off(module: u64, mn: i32, vel: f32)

AA Wasm API (3)

// compute audio 
pub fn compute(module: u64, frames: u32)

// input and output buffer management 
pub fn get_input(module: u64, index: u32) -> u32 
pub fn get_output(module: u64, index: u32) -> u32 
pub fn set_input(module: u64, index: u32, offset: u32) 
pub fn set_output(module: u64, index: u32, offset: u32)

// extern functions provided by AA Host
extern "C" pub fn set(module: u64, index: u32, v: f32)

Writing the audio component

FAUST (Functional AUdio STream) is a domain-specific purely functional programming language for implementing signal processing algorithms in the form of libraries, audio plug-ins, or standalone applications.

AA Faust Example

declare aavoices "2"; 


process = vgroup("voices", par(n, 2, vgroup("aavoice%n", voice))) ;
voice = hgroup("midi", osc(freq)) 
with {
 freq = hslider("freq",200,50,1000,0.01); 
 gain = hslider("gain",0.5,0,1,0.01); gate = button("gate");
 envelope = en.adsr(0.01,0.01,0.8,0.1,gate)*gain;
 osc(freq) = os.sawtooth(freq)*envelope; 


Compilation flow for AA DSP Code


AA module static memory layout


Compile Faust to Wasm via Rust

  • Why Rust?
  • Rust is a particularly close friend to Wasm, but
  • It also provides a root to auto-vectorization and Wasm-128 SIMD
  • All the supporting libraries are written in Rust

Compile Faust to Rust

					faust2audioanywhere synth.dsp
Fork of Faust compiler for AA on my Github

Generated Rust for Faust .dsp

struct mydsp {

impl mydsp {
  pub fn get_voices(&self) -> i32 { ... }
  pub fn get_input(&self, index: u32) -> u32 { ... }
  pub fn get_output(&self, index: u32) -> u32 { ... }
  pub fn get_num_outputs(&self) -> i32 { ... }
  pub fn handle_note_on(&mut self, mn: Note, vel: f32) { ... }	

  unsafe fn compute(
	&mut self, count: i32, inputs: &[T], outputs: &mut [&mut [T];2]) { ... }
  pub fn compute_external(&mut self, count: i32) { ... }

Generated compute_external function

pub fn compute_external(&mut self, count: i32) {
  unsafe {
    let (output0, output1) = 
      (::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(OUTPUTS[0], count as usize), 
       ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(OUTPUTS[1], count as usize));

    self.compute(count, &[], &mut [output0, output1]);

generated compute function

#[target_feature(enable = "simd128")] 
unsafe fn compute(
  &mut self, count: i32, inputs: &[T], outputs: &mut [&mut [T];2]) {
  let [outputs0, outputs1] = outputs; 
  let (outputs0, outputs1) = {
    let outputs0 = outputs0[..count as usize].iter_mut(); 
    let outputs1 = outputs1[..count as usize].iter_mut();
    (outputs0, outputs1)

  let zipped_iterators =;
  for (output0, output1) in zipped_iterators {
    *output0 = ... ...
    *output1 = ... ...

But how does it run in practice?

Faust copy processor - C++ vs Rust

C++ Rust Rust Optimized
84860.747 MB/sec 3379.915 MB/sec 88353.927 MB/sec

  • Original Faust to Rust compiler, 20 times slower than C++
  • Optimized Faust to Rust compiler, slightly faster than C++

Null function call


Sine OSC


Copy 1 channel in/out


Next steps

Wasm lacks relocatable code

More information @project site

